And this provoked a peculiar thought in me; I should wear these every day, seriously. What a smart idea, I could be like a CSI agent. It’s brilliant really, because I would ultimately protect myself from the wide range of germs and viruses that children naturally carry and apparently look good doing it. Not that I ever get sick, I just don’t. It could have something to do with taking four vitamin C a day and washing my hands neurotically every five minutes and using the elbow arm-to-the-face block maneuver whenever a child even clears their throat to potentially cough or worse, sneeze. I did have a child once, while I was sitting right next to him turn, face me head on and do a full blown runny nose sneeze right into my eyes. Aarghh!…bleck…ew…ew…ew…ew.
My face seriously squints and my teeth clench whenever I recall this tragic memory.
Yes, I do believe that I should consider creating colorful vinyl teacher disposable gloves and market them along with bright colored aprons. What a great idea that would benefit every teacher out there. I always leave school feeling like there is an invisible sheet of moist sticky film all over my body, that’s because I believe young children by nature are coated with this. I’ll still hug them, maybe.
And in reference to Tuesdays blog, no it did not work treating all the children like puppy’s. There is never a limit to affection and they never get enough. It only became a very irritable disruption. And then the baby like behavior came out and that’s when I had no choice but to threaten the kids with having to wear diapers. Yes, playing puppy land was effective for a short period of time, but that goes for everything to do with his age group. And children don’t respond in one essential way that a puppy does; You cannot just give a child a bone to gnaw on and expect them to relax and be entertained for hours…darn. I had glimpses of hope nonetheless.
Children especially today with our fast paced society and MTV and commercials that flip scenes every second, need more intense stimulation than ever before. They get bored too easily and have a difficult time staying focused for longer than five minutes. Our next generation is going to be excellent at multitasking but never ever finish anything.
Please Note: For those who may not get my humor; My diary accounts are meant to instill laughter and are focused on the peculiar happenings rather than the serious sensitive moments. Some may think it does not appear as if I love what I do and may interpret my humor as if I am anti children and that is simply not true.
Understand that in order to bring about the humor of my day to day experiences I say the most absurd even bizarre thoughts that cross my mind, that’s comedy. And yes, it is true most days are filled with more moments of anxiety and chaos than calmness. However within each day there are many moments of simply pure bliss and deep love and although the moments are brief, they are so intense they can bring me to emotional tears and/or sheer laughter. Every child has an adorable side and when that connection is made or when that child does that one little thing that tugs at my heart strings, I forget all about the million other things that did not run smoothly. And if I can help a child to see their own exceptional strengths, improve their weaknesses to feel worthy and valuable I feel good inside, as if I made a little bit of a difference in the future of our children and that makes me feel successful.
Even the little destroyer can suddenly wiggle his bottom and smile at me with such charm that my heart becomes jelly.
A preschooler is the not only my coffee but also my heart medication. I become more loving and feel loved in return because I teach. I believe laughter is truly the best medicine and so I prefer to write about the catastrophes because they’re funnier and therefore more therapeutic for me.
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